Friday 20 November 2009

The rationale behind our wig purchase policy

Recently, I have been asked why I do not stock human hair wigs, hairpieces and extensions? My business really caters for two markets, one is fashion. Those who choose to wear the products for accessorising their look or because they do not like their own hair.

The other market is for those who through illness or stress are loosing or have lost their hair. They might feel that they have no choice but to wear a wig or a hairpiece. This market has within it, men, women and boys and girls and all of them will have their own specific experience about their illness and its consequences. But, having had a sister who suffered all of this through cancer, I felt that synthetic wigs are better for this group in that they are a relatively cheap solution to a temporary problem. The patient will get better and their own hair will grow back again and so why spend a fortune on a human hair wig!

It is surely better to promote the shorter life of a synthetic wig in these circumstances than a very expensive long-life human hair product that does nothing to encourage the patient to feel positive towards the future.

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