I have just bought a little camcorder to make better video clips and also to video the pieces parties. From next week, I will be making some new clips which will be much better as I will have the camcorder on a tripod and not have to squash so much in front of the little camera in my macbook. This will be much better. The views too of the wigs will be much better, showing off their length and lushness better.
In just under two weeks we will do the first photo shoot of real live models for the website. The models will be wearing the wigs and it will give a much better idea of what a wig can do for you to either just have fun for the evening, or to change your look altogether if you wear them all the time. Another important aspect of this is that we will have all the girls photographed wearing all the wigs irrespective of colour. So, we have two Indian girls whose natural hair is black. They will be seen in all other colours as I want people to get the idea that a wig does not have to look like your own hair - what would be the point? The idea is that you can have fun and experiment with other colours too. I have seen Japanese kids with their hair dyed blonde and against their skin colour it looks really great! Equally, a black girl with blonde or red hair looks stunning. Then, of course, you do not have to dye your own hair to have all this - just buy a wig for when you want to!
See the videoclips to date www.wearmyhair.com/videoclips.php